7 Ways to Revive Your Abandoned Fitness Resolutions

It is no lie that we are experiencing unusual times and this might have put you back a bit when it comes to your fitness resolutions. Studies show that less than 25% of people stay committed to their New Year’s Resolution after the first month, and only 8% of them actually accomplish them.

Even though we are limited to our home workouts for now, there really is no better time than the present to get back on track and reach those fitness goals! Instead of letting a feeling of failure fester for the rest of the year, use our top tips to revive those fitness resolutions for a feeling of accomplishment come New Year’s Eve.

1. Plan Ahead

You know how the saying goes: “Fail to plan, and plan to fail”. It’s a cliche for a reason...because it’s true. This is probably the most important tip to rescue your old fitness habits. Why? Because humans are lazy, and as soon as things get busy we make excuses not to fulfil our commitments.

Setting out a clear plan will make it much easier to fulfil your health and fitness commitments. For example, if your goal is to eat healthier and prepare healthier lunches for work, then weekend meal prep will be your best friend! Make time on a Sunday to plan your meals for the week, do the shopping, cook in bulk and store lunches in individual Tupperwares. Not only will it make you healthier in the long run - it will most likely save you a ton of money and time.

2. Be Realistic

So many of us are guilty of setting impossible goals at the beginning of the year. It’s not surprising that we quit those routines 2 weeks into January. They are impossible to maintain!

The objective now should be not to set unrealistic goals that you struggle to achieve. Consider where you are in life and plan accordingly. If you’re a new mom or dad - you’ll obviously have less time available than when you were 19 and only had to worry about yourself. Think about the time you have available and use it as productively as possible.

Additionally, don’t set unrealistic frequency goals. If you’re someone that wants to get fit, but hates working out - then scheduling an intense workout everyday of the week will most likely end up in disappointment. Rather aim to gradually add frequency as you get into a routine.

3. Find the Time

The biggest excuse ever is: “I don’t have time!”.

Life gets busy - it’s all about finding ways to MAKE TIME for your fitness goals. Dirty workout clothes are tiny setbacks. However, these details can make all the difference between reaching your goal for the day, or simply climbing into bed.

Make it your mission to make it as easy as possible to stick to your routine. Instead of scrolling through Facebook or Instagram, for example, replace the time with a good training session that will put you in a more positive mood.

Additionally, you’ll want to look at your schedule and pick the time that works best for your preferences and routine. For example, if you hate early morning workouts but have a busy family evening schedule (like cooking, bathing and putting the kids to bed) - consider using your lunch break. Exercise endorphins at mid-day could even increase your work productivity for the rest of the day.

4. Start Small

This one goes hand in hand with “being realistic”. After months of not reaching your goals you might feel like you need to make up for lost time. However, overdoing it isn’t always the best course of action.

Rather schedule short, regular training sessions that suit your current fitness levels and slowly increase the intensity/frequency as you feel yourself progressing. Not only will it give you time to get into a routine and form a habit - it will prevent an injury setback.

5. Use what you have

Working out or getting fit doesn’t have to cost any money, and there are countless people that have proved it can be done with no equipment at all. You need only scan your Instagram feed to see that there are moms working out in their living rooms; and weight junkies lifting tyres in their backyard. It can be done!

Worst case scenario, you live in a tiny apartment nowhere near a safe place to run or workout. Even in this case - modern technology has a solution for you and it’s called YouTube.

This platform is a fantastic resource no matter what your fitness goal may be. Whether you’re looking for yoga workouts, HIIT, strength sets or sports training - no doubt you’ll find a video you can train to straight from your living room.

6. Make it Enjoyable

Maybe you read about how effective HIIT training is for burning fat, however, if that’s a style of training you hate - chances are that you won’t stick with the program for very long.

Here is the key to success: find a more enjoyable way to reach your goals. If you want to get fitter, but you hate the gym - try ditching it altogether. .

The most popular New Year’s resolution is losing weight. If you fall into this category, but can’t stand running like a mindless hamster on the treadmill everyday - maybe consider an alternative strategy. Walking, for example, is a great form of exercise that is enjoyable, free and accessible to most people.

One study found that people on a calorie-controlled diet who walked for one hour five times per week for 12 weeks lost an extra 3.7 cm off their waistlines and 1.3% more body fat, compared to those who followed the diet alone.

7. Take it a day at a time

If you’re really trying your best to be consistent, don’t be discouraged by a minor slip up. Even the most committed athletes fall of the band wagon at times. It’s what we do to get back on track that counts.

For example, if for some reason you miss a day of training, don’t let it upset you and keep you from reaching your long term goals. Take it one day at a time. If you mess up - instead of quitting - hit the reset button with new enthusiasm and every intention of getting back on track the following day.

Final Thoughts

Let’s kick the old cliche of not reaching New Year’s Resolutions to curb with a new found commitment to reach them before the year is out. There are many ways and tips to revive these goals, but the most important thing is not to give up! Above all, aim for consistency and find ways to make it easier to achieve those little victories every single day.