32Gi Endure Sports Drink Tub 900g
32Gi Endure Sports Drink Tub 900g
R 489,9
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32Gi Endure Sports Drink Tub 900g | PLU1066175

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32Gi Endure Energy Drink Tub is low glycemic index energy supplement perfect for endurance events, training and exercise. It's a fact that the more fat efficient an athlete can become, the better they can perform, especially when they have the ability to oxidize a higher percentage of fat across various intensities. The 32Gi Endure Sports Drink promotes this by way of partitioning - supplied carbohydrates & the body's fat stores.
  • Clean, Sustained Energy- It mitigates energy peaks and troughs and provides a prolonged and sustained supply of energy.
  • Promotes Fat Burning
  • Reduce Nausea & Fatigue by providing smaller amounts of glucose over a longer period which may result in less upset to the system.
  • Zero Banned Substances (Fully compliant with WADA standards)
Endurance Supplement Type
Tub mix
Sports Category

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